We use a versatile stack that allows single platform to support Android, IOS as well as Web. We take care of consulting, design, development, deployment and maintenance of Apps. 


This is a complete Learning management system that includes video based as well as live session based courses. Functionality includes profile management, find and enrolling for courses, teacher profiles and more. The App also contains functionality for accepting payments through Paypal. We also created the entire supporting backend for the App. 

Agriculture based App

This App allows farmers to plan the annual sowing and reaping cycle. It gives suggestions on seeds, growing patterns and climatic conditions. Farmers can also select from among various options based on their geographical location in Maharashtra. 

Security App

A product app that includes functionality for registering members and security professionals. A separate visitor management system is created that allows the security team to maintain records of all visitors. Additionally, functionality is provided for members to remotely allow visitors.